木曜日, 10月 26, 2006



By the time you read this, you probably have taken the midterm.
Since it's good time to look back at your first half of this semester,
why don't we just do that?

For this week's post, the topic is about yourself as a learner.
-Describe one thing you did pretty well in this class; something you feel you are proud to have done. It could be large or small.
-Describe one thing you could try to work on; something you are having trouble with; something you need help with, something you wish it weren't the way it is.
-State how you intend to learn from this course for the rest of the semester.
-Write in English.

So you can be honest to yourself, why don't we be all annonymous?
Don't use your name you've been using. Find some nickname just for this week.

If at all possible, try to be supportive to others in class. Share your concerns, ideas, tips so you can learn better in this course.

Deadline for this post is 十月三十一日(火).

水曜日, 10月 18, 2006



こんしゅうのトピックは、 「わたしのにほん(じん)のともだち・かぞく」です。

Pick one person, a friend or a family member, who is Japanese or someone that you would use Japanese langauge with or do things Japanese together. So it could be your roommate who is from New Jersey and likes Japanese food, or your classmate from Japan, for example.

Describe that person, and how you do things Japanese (speaking the language, watching anime togetehr and such).

Please post by 10月23日(月)。


木曜日, 10月 12, 2006

Leftover Rice Workshop

Japan society は あした(10/13) Leftover Rice Workshopをしますよ。

Take-out containers piling up? Made too much food with that 10-cup
rice cooker your parents got you? From furikake to ochazuke, onigiri and
more, CJS is going to show you what to do with all that leftover rice!

Join us in our Leftover Rice Workshop this Friday from 7-10pm in the
Broadway lounge! Get tutorials on how to turn dry leftover rice into
culinary masterpieces and taste our rice creations! (Read: free food!)

Date: Friday, October 13th, 2006
Time: 7:00-10:00 PM
Location: Broadway Sky Lounge




こんしゅうは にほんごで わたしの まいにちを かきましょう。

わたしはまいにち 6じはんに おきます。
それから むすめと つまと あさごはんを たべます。
つまは 7じはんに つまのがっこうへ いきます。
8じはんに むすめと むすめの がっこうへ いきます。
むすめは ストローラーで、わたしは あるいて いきます。
ときどき むすめも あるきます。

それから だいがくへ きます。
にほんごの クラスを おしえます。 
ごごに また むすめのがっこうへ いきます。それから いっしょに かえります。

かようびとすいようびには わたしの ティーチャーズカレッジの クラスへいきます。
ネットフリックスで DVDを かります。
しゅうまつ(weekend)に ときどき つまと いっしょに みます。

きょうは もくようび ですね。
つまは まいしゅう もくようびには グレイズアナトミーをみます。
わたしも ときどき みます。

でも、まいばん むすめと いっしょに ほんを よみます。
よく アンパンマン を よみます。

Once again, maybe I wrote too long.
Just write what you can and want to write that relates to the theme of わたしのまいにち.

Try writing in Japanese, consult links from previous post (How to type in Japanese )
ask your classmates, friends, me, or whoever you can find.

If your computer is not capable of typing Japanese, you can go to the language lab in Lewisohn.
Their PCs are multi language ready.

But if you still can't frigure it out, type in romaji.

Feel free to comment to others' posts as well.
Also, feel free to suggest a topic for next week via email, blog posts, or in person.

Deadline is Monday, 10/16.

火曜日, 10月 10, 2006

Tokyo Fiesta

Tokyo Fiesta
とうきょうは ニューヨークへ きます。

じかん: 10/27(土) 1:00-7:00
     10/28(日) 9:00-7:00

ばしょ: Grand Central Terminal-Vanderbilt Hall


火曜日, 10月 03, 2006

How to type Japanese

Some of you asked how to type Japanese on the web.

Basically if you have Windows, you have to install East Asian fonts first and change some settings in the conrol pannel. If you have Mac, probably very similar but I honestly don't know. I found some links (below).

Links for Windows users




Links for Mac users


月曜日, 10月 02, 2006


For this week's topic, let's hear about instances where you could actually read, hear something in Japanese outside our class. Or you made someone understand with your Japanese. So わかりました could be "(わたしは)わかりました。" or "(someone elseは)わかりました。"

Let me share mine with you.

きのう エッサベーグルへ いきました。エッサベーグルはイーストサイドの51ちょうめと 3rd アヴェニューです。When we went in, the guy at the counter looked at us, and asked "こんにちは?" He asked if we were Japanese by saying the greeting with a rising intonation. We got the bagels and creemcheese and came back to the checkout counter. The man said どうもありがとう(I don't remember if he said ございます afterwards...)。 Then he said, "また きます。"

また is again. So it was "(You) come again." Because it didn't have "てください" form, it wasn't "(Please) come again."

Of course I could guess he meant to say "Come again." I had an urge to tell him that he should say "また きてください," but I held it back, my professional/personal obsession to teach... Contrary to his expectation, I didn't say anything in Japanese. Maybe I should have to make him feel good about himeself speaking Japanese to us. But then I again, I didn't know what to say. If I said anything too long, he wouldn't have understood. And the awkwardness would have continued.

But then again, I do the same thing. I say "Bona cera" to one of the staff in my building just because he is from Italy. It's just a friendly gesture and my naive use of the language.

It doesn't have to be entertaining (mine certainly isn't...) or anything, this is just an example to get you started. Maybe I wrote too much. It can be shorter.

Let's say your deadline for your post is by this Friday.
Also, please feel free to comment on each others' post.




Gregg さん mentioned torii in class today. If you are interested, you can check out these entries.
Torii 1, torii 2.